CoPHI is a web app for exploring multidimensional data using an abstract parallel coordinate visualization technique. It was originally developed for the SpeedData project at LaBRI. You can find more information on Joris Sansen’s page.

Try out the online tool here.

Publications and associated projects

To cite CoPHI, please refer to the original article:

Sansen, J.; Richer, G.; Jourde, T.; Lalanne, F.; Auber, D.; Bourqui, R. (2017) Visual Exploration of Large Multidimensional Data Using Parallel Coordinates on Big Data Infrastructure. Informatics 2017, 4, 21.

Other publications

Richer, G., Sansen, J., Lalanne, F., Auber, D., & Bourqui, R. (2018). Enabling Hierarchical Exploration for Large-Scale Multidimensional Data with Abstract Parallel Coordinates. EDBT/ICDT Workshops.

Richer, G., Sansen, J., Lalanne, F., Auber, D., & Bourqui, R. (2019). HiePaCo: Scalable Hierarchical Exploration in Abstract Parallel Coordinates Under Budget Constraints. Big Data Res., 17, 1-17.
